
The Mod Archive torrents

Welcome to the official Mod Archive BitTorrent tracker! The torrents provided here allow you to easily download large batches of modules that are already in the archive. Please continue to seed these torrents after you finish downloading them. It's what keeps them alive.

TMA-waveworld.zip 1.35 GiB 76 0 25800 Details
modarchive_2007_official_snapshot_120000_modules 29.03 GiB 74 1 10402 Details
modarchive_2007_official_snapshot_addendum1 479.69 MiB 60 0 8558 Details
modarchive_2008_additions 1.39 GiB 63 0 7834 Details
woolyss-chiptune-samples.zip 71.10 MiB 61 0 18240 Details
modarchive_2009_additions 1.44 GiB 60 0 7448 Details
modarchive_2010_additions 920.61 MiB 58 0 7077 Details
kiarchive.zip 557.03 MiB 68 0 20170 Details
modarchive_2011_additions 955.43 MiB 57 0 7080 Details
modarchive_2012_additions 967.05 MiB 55 0 6172 Details
modarchive_2013_additions 990.41 MiB 57 0 5933 Details
modarchive_2014_additions 1.14 GiB 58 0 5546 Details
modarchive_2015_additions 1.19 GiB 58 0 5459 Details
modarchive_2016_additions 1.37 GiB 56 0 4967 Details
modarchive_2017_additions 1.69 GiB 56 0 5052 Details
modarchive_2018_additions 2.46 GiB 58 0 4280 Details
modarchive_2019_additions 1.73 GiB 61 0 4455 Details
modarchive_2020_additions 1.75 GiB 59 1 2361 Details
modarchive_2021_additions 1.63 GiB 60 0 2650 Details
modarchive_2022_additions 2.56 GiB 56 0 1823 Details

So far, a total of 211410 torrent downloads (465.26 TiB) have been completed, torrents that are no longer active included.
Total swarm speed estimated to 0 B/s.